About Me

I went to school within the Upland Unified School District throughout my pre-college years.  After graduating from high school, I went to a community college for one semester before heading to Cal Poly Pomona for my undergraduate education. 

My first memories of using a computer were on my friends macintosh (the tiny one with the neon green text) and playing "King's Quest" and "Space Quest"on the neighbor's pc.  I also recall the horrible noise his 2400 baud modem made when connecting online.  I was part of the "computer club" in high school were we basically played Doom on a network server against each other and was active on BBS's at the time.  However, as I got older I began to use the computer and technology for more useful things.  I love technology and enjoy learning as much as I can about it.  I am currently "all things technology" as my co-worker and good friend, Barbara Jean, likes to say.  I am responsible for our MICROS database, maintaining our Opentable software, updating and maintaining our Excel based income statement for our management students, amongst other duties at The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch.  I am the kind of person who learns by diving in, learning what I can from others online or picking other's brain. 

I am currently working on my Master's degree to further my knowledge and hopefully career.  I enjoy the university environment and would like to expand my opportunities in whatever way is presented, within the college I currently work, I&IT at the university or elsewhere within the CSU or UC system.


  1. A fellow Highlander!

  2. I am glad that you enjoy technology so much because it seems like your job requires lots of that! I have not been to the restaurant before but I heard the food is great!

  3. It's sounds like you've had a chance to watch technology change over the years, how exciting!

  4. I just remembered how it used to sound when I used to connect to the internet with AOL version 2.0. I don't think I would have ever remembered that if it weren't for your post. I remember I was shocked when I first started using a broadband connection and no longer needed to connect in order to access the internet, I could just click on a browser and be ready to go. It's funny how things change and you forget about how it used to be. The restaurant is awesome by the way; great food.

  5. Wow, Doom was the game. That brings back memories for me and the days I had time to play video games for hours. Glad you are enjoying being back in school and good luck with everything.
